اسئلة امتحان وزارة الصحة الكويتية للصيادلة؟

اسئلة امتحان وزارة الصحة الكويتية للصيادلة؟

اسئلة امتحان وزارة الصحة الكويتية للصيادلة، هو ما نسعى الى التكلم عنه اليوم بشكل مختلف وعميق من اجل الوصول إلى أكثر استفادة لزوار موقعنا الكرام.


اسئلة امتحان وزارة الصحة الكويتية للصيادلة:

الاسئلة :
1- Which of the following is not an indication for Tranexamic Acid ?i
a- Treatment of heamorrhage associated with excessive fibrinolysis
b- An antidote for Streptokinase overdose
c- Prophylaxis of hereditary angioedma
d- Prevent heammorhage due to Heparin overdose

i2- Which of the following drugs does not cause insomnia ?i
a- MAOI’s
b- Caffeine
c- Beta blockers
d- Barbiturates

i3- Which of the following is a lipid lowering drugs ?i
a- Aprotinin
b- Tranexamic acid
c- Lansoprazole
d- Acipimox

i4- Which of the following H2 receptors antagonist has the highest affinity for cytochrome p450 ?i
a- Nizatidine
b- Ranitidine
c- Cimetidine
d- Famotidine

i5- Which of the following side effects will be caused by antacids containing NAHCO3?i
a- Belching
b- Constipation
c- Diarrhea
d- Blurred vision

i6- Which of the following is a dopamine antagonist?i
a- Granisetron
b- Domperidone
c- Cisapride
d- Loperamide

i7- Which of the following drugs is a systemic amoebicide?i
a- Diloxamide furoate
b- Pyrimethamine
c- Emetin
d- Sodium Stibogluconate

i8- Which of the following drugs is the drug may cause discolouration of nail beds and mucus membranes?i
a- Tetracycline
b- Chloroquine
c- Doxycycline
d- Rifampicin

i9- Which of following drugs is the drug of choice for the treatment of all forms of Schistosomiasis?i
a- Praziquantel
b- Mebendazole
c- Niclosamide
d- Thiabendazole

i10- Which of the following drugs can be used for the treatment of influenza A infection ?i
a- Zidovudine(AZT)i
b- Amantadine
c- Ribavarin
d- Vidarabine
i11- Which of the following drugs is used in the treatment of Leishmaniasis?i
a- Pyrimethamine
b- Diloxamide
c- Sodium Stibogluconate
d- Emetin
i12- Which one of the following statements about tetracycline is not correct?i
a- It is useful for the treatment of resistant strains
b- It is contraindicated in pregnancy
c- It is safe in infections caused by Chlamydia
d- It can lead to discolouration of teeth if given to children
i13- Which of the following drug will antagonize Methotrexate?i
a- Thiamine
b- Folic acid
c- Biotin
d- Cyanocobalamin
i14- lodine is found in all of the following except:i
a- Cod liver oil
b- Sea food
c- Kelp
d- Iodized salt
i15- Match the statements (1- 4) to the trace elements (A-D) listed below.each answer may be used more than once

a- Zinc b- Copper c- Chromium d- Selenium
i1. Formation of red and white blood cells
i2. Protects cells against damage during cellular m etabolism
i3. Promotes wound healing and normal growth
i4. Helps maintain normal glucose m etabolism
i16- Match the drug characteristics (1- 4) with the drug listed below (a-d). each answer may be used more than once
a- Auranofin
b- Pencillamine
c- Aspirin
d- Corticosteroids
i1- Platelet function effect
i2- Oral form of gold
i3- Given on an empty stomach
i4- May be given intra articularly
i17- for each side effect (1- 4) list the most likely cause (a-d). each answer may be used more than onces

a- Sodium Bicarbonate
b- Aluminium Hydroxide
c- Amitriptyline
d- Magnesium Hydroxide
i1- May cause diarrhea
i2- Should not be used by patient of heart failure
i3- May cause dry mouth
i4- Can be incorporated with an antacids mixture to control diarhoea
i18- Pyridoxine requirements may increase during administration of all the following except:i
a- Isoniazid
b- Cycloserine
c- Oral contraceptives
d- Levodopa
i19- All of the following preparations contain alcohol except:i
a- Syrup simplex
b- Aromatic ammonia spirit USP
c- Terpin hydrate elixir USP
d- Belladona tincture B.P
i20- Wich of the following solutions is used as an astringent?i
a- Strong iodine soluotin USP
b- Aluminium acetate topical solution USP
c- Acetic acid NF
d- Benzalkonium chloride solution NF
i21- anextrapyramidal adverse effects is caused by the blocking of:i
a- Serotonin receptors in the brain
b- Acetylcholine receptors in the brain
c- Dopamine receptors in the brain
d- Dopamine receptors outside the brain

i22-A rare side effect of some anticonvulsants is Stevens-Johnson
syndrome.this is a severe:i
a- Skin reaction
b- Bone marrow toxicity
c- Renal failure
d- CNS suppression

i23-If a women,receiving carbamazepine becomes pregnant,it is
important that she receives daily supplements of :i
a- Vit A
b- Vit B6
c- Folic acid
d- Riboflavin

i 24-Which of the following are side effects of phenytoin treatment?i
a- Acne
b- Hirsuitism
c- Gingival hyperplasia
d- a,b,and c

i25-Which drug is considered as Alpha-1- Adrenergic blocker : i
a- Hydralazine
b- Minoxidil
c- Prazosin
d- Guanethidine

i26-Nitroglycerin-all the following are true except :i
a- Can be dispensed in hospital pack of 500 and 1000 tabs
b- Containers must be made of glass and be covered with a tight-fitting —-l
c- Close tightly after use
d- Tablets must be stored at controlled R.T
e- Tablets not to be refrigerated

i27-The most important adverse reaction to terbutaline is :i
a- Tachycardia
b- CNS stimulation
c- Fine muscle tremor
d- Gastric irritation
e- All of the above

i28-Which of the following is true about Penicillin V ?i
a- It is inactivated by gastric acid
b- It is acid stable
c- It is more active than Benzylpencillin
d- It is absorbed better after foods

i29- Which of the following is a quinolone antibiotic ?i
a- Clindamycin
b- Chlortetracycline
c- Ciprofloxacin
d- Clarithromycin

i30-Tuberculosis is caused by a :i
a- Mycoplasma
b- Mycobacterium
c- Micrococcus
d- Microbacter


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