اسئلة قصة the woman who disappeared؟

اسئلة قصة the woman who disappeared؟

اسئلة قصة the woman who disappeared، هو ما نسعى الى التكلم عنه اليوم بشكل مختلف وعميق من اجل الوصول إلى أكثر استفادة لزوار موقعنا الكرام.


اسئلة قصة the woman who disappeared:

اسئلة قصة the woman who disappeared

تجد الاسئلة يا اخى واجاباتها فى هذه الصورة : 

اسئلة واجابة الصقة

ملخص قصة The Woman Who Disappeared  

Lenny Samuel is a private Eye. He works in his office in a high apartment in the west of Los Angeles. One day a blonde beautiful lady called Helen Garfield walks to his office and asks him to find her missing sister, Elaine. But she is not friendly and does not give Lenny enough information. This mysterious woman tries to hide things and does not like to be questioned. These things causes many problems for Lenny…

معلومات عن كاتب قصة The Woman Who Disappeared  

Philip Prowse started his work as a British Council Officer in 1968. He trained teachers in Birmingham, UK, Egypt, Portugal, Greece and Poland for 11 years until 1979.
Later in 1981, he joined Bell Educational Trust Institute and served there as Director of Studies and Principal of Bell College, Saffron Walden and worked there for 13 years.
Since 1994, Philip has worked as a full-time writer and freelance trainer, directing a wide range of teacher’s courses overseas and in Cambridge where he lives.
During his career, he has written teaching materials including major primary, secondary and adult courses. Additionally, he has been a regular speaker at conferences in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.
His Cambridge University Press publications are Activate your English (with Barbara Sinclair), Don’t Stop Now! (Cambridge English Readers), Double Cross (Cambridge English Readers), Help! (Cambridge English Readers), Why? (Cambridge English Readers)
Some of his Macmillan Readers publications are L. A. Winners, L. A. Movie, L. A. Detective, Bristol Murder, The Woman Who Disappeared and L. A. Raid.


ارجو ان نكون قد وضحنا كافة المعلومات والبيانات بخصوص اسئلة قصة the woman who disappeared، ولكن في حالة كان لديكم تعليق او اقتراح بخصوص المعلومات المذكورة بالأعلى يمكنكم اضافة تعليق وسوف نسعى جاهدين للرد عليكم.