تعبير انجليزي اول ثانوي مقررات؟

تطبيق منصة تعلم

تعبير انجليزي اول ثانوي مقررات، هو ما نسعى الى التكلم عنه اليوم بشكل مختلف وعميق من اجل الوصول إلى أكثر استفادة لزوار موقعنا الكرام.


تعبير انجليزي اول ثانوي مقررات:

تعبير انجليزي اول ثانوي مقررات

الموضوع سيكون عن التلوث 
The environment is defined as the place surrounding the human being with all its elements of water, air and living organisms
One of the most important problems affecting the environment is the problem of pollution, which is our subject in this article
Pollution is a change in the form due to its being influenced by extraneous factors, includes water, soil and air, and its causes are multiple. Such as Chemical contamination
Radioactive contamination: It is produced by the leakage of radioactive materials into water, air and soil, which can cause many serious diseases to people . In addition to other types, including pollution of light and heat and noise pollution and others
No one of us keeps the environment clean, people throw garbage in the street, factories throw their waste in drinking water, cars fill the air with smoke. None of us are innocent
Unfortunately, pollution is around us everywhere, and it has a very bad effect on us. Whether on our respiratory system or our digestive system and also on our immune system
Pollution is one of the worst things that happened in the Earth, because of the severe damage to the climate and atmosphere that will be completely destroyed in a few years. In addition to the birth of deformed embryos
At the end of the topic and after we knew the causes, and the amount of pollution, we wish that everyone to keep the environment in order to live a healthy life


ارجو ان نكون قد وضحنا كافة المعلومات والبيانات بخصوص تعبير انجليزي اول ثانوي مقررات، ولكن في حالة كان لديكم تعليق او اقتراح بخصوص المعلومات المذكورة بالأعلى يمكنكم اضافة تعليق وسوف نسعى جاهدين للرد عليكم.