اسئلة حول قصة الامير السعيد؟

اسئلة حول قصة الامير السعيد؟
تطبيق منصة تعلم

اسئلة حول قصة الامير السعيد، هو ما نسعى الى التكلم عنه اليوم بشكل مختلف وعميق من اجل الوصول إلى أكثر استفادة لزوار موقعنا الكرام.


اسئلة حول قصة الامير السعيد:

اسئلة حول قصة الامير السعيد

1-Who was Tom Canty ? Tom Canty was a very poor boy .
2-Where did Tom Canty live ? He lived with his family in London.
3- Who was Tom’s father ? John was Tom’s father .
4-Who was John ? John was a thief and cruel man .
5- Who was Andrew ? Andrew was a kind man and Tom’s friend and lived with Tom’s family .
6- How did Andrew help Tom?
Andrew taught Tom to read , write , and be polite .
7- Andrew told Tom stories about ……….. (complete)
Kings and princes .
8-Who was Edward ?
Edward was the prince of the palace and invited Tom to live with him .
9-Andrew helped Tom by teaching him to read , write and be polite.( True ,False)
10-Name the two main characters in the story” The Prince and the Pauper” (Answer)
Tom Canty and Edward .
11- The stamp was important in the story “The prince and the Pauper” (True ,False)
12-Tom had to steal to help his family eat and drink but Andrew taught him to be polite. ( True , False )
13-Tom is a rich boy who lives with his father , who is a prince. (True , False)
14-The stamp was found where Edward said it would .( True , False)
15-Who died in the story “The prince and The Pauper”? How did they die?
Andrew died because John hit him . The king died because he was ill.
16 –Why was the stamp important in the story ?
Because only the real prince knew where it was .
17- Did Edward like being a poor? What happened to him ?
No , he didn’t . Boys laughed at him and threw him into the river .
18- How did the story end ?
Edward was crowned king and invited Tom to live with him and became good friends. Tom never saw his cruel father again and lived a happy life .
من هو مؤلف قصة الامير السعيد 
اوسكار وايلد
متي نشرت القصة 
متي ولد اوسكار وايلد
16 أكتوبر 1854


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