ملخص قصة number 13؟

تطبيق منصة تعلم

ملخص قصة number 13، هو ما نسعى الى التكلم عنه اليوم بشكل مختلف وعميق من اجل الوصول إلى أكثر استفادة لزوار موقعنا الكرام.


ملخص قصة number 13:

ملخص القصة :
Number 13″ is a short ghost story by the British author M.R. James. It was first published in 1904 as part of the anthology Ghost Stories of an Antiquary.

The story’s main character is a British historian named Anderson who travels to the town of Viborg in Denmark to do some research. During the course of his research, Anderson discovers that, in the early 16th century, Viborg was home to a man accused of witchcraft whose name was Nicolas Francken. Anderson stays in room 12 at the Golden Lion hotel. The Golden Lion is one of the oldest buildings in Viborg because it was one of the few structures to survive a devastating fire in 1726. A blackboard in the hotel lists all the rooms and the names of their occupants. Anderson sees that there is no room 13 listed on the blackboard. He does, however, see a door with the number 13 on it next to his own room. Anderson later realizes that room number 13 only appears at night and vanishes in the daytime.

Readers should be aware that “Number 13” is peppered with Danish and Latin words and phrases which are mostly left untranslated.

The story has been adapted to other media, most notably as the tenth TV movie in the BBC series A Ghost Story for Christmas.

Ghost Stories, Short Stories, Famous, Classic
Number 13
2013 illustration for “Number 13” by the British artist Hannah Cooper.

“Number 13” is a short ghost story by the British author M.R. James. It was first published in 1904 as part of the anthology Ghost Stories of an Antiquary.

The story’s main character is a British historian named Anderson who travels to the town of Viborg in Denmark to do some research. During the course of his research, Anderson discovers that, in the early 16th century, Viborg was home to a man accused of witchcraft whose name was Nicolas Francken. Anderson stays in room 12 at the Golden Lion hotel. The Golden Lion is one of the oldest buildings in Viborg because it was one of the few structures to survive a devastating fire in 1726. A blackboard in the hotel lists all the rooms and the names of their occupants. Anderson sees that there is no room 13 listed on the blackboard. He does, however, see a door with the number 13 on it next to his own room. Anderson later realizes that room number 13 only appears at night and vanishes in the daytime.

Readers should be aware that “Number 13” is peppered with Danish and Latin words and phrases which are mostly left untranslated.

The story has been adapted to other media, most notably as the tenth TV movie in the BBC series A Ghost Story for Christmas.

The British scholar Anderson goes to the Danish town of Viborg to carry out some research into the history of Christianity in Denmark in the early sixteenth century, a time when Protestantism was replacing Roman Catholicism as the country’s dominant religion. Viborg is an attractive town, although most of the buildings in it are relatively new. Most of the town was destroyed by the Great Fire in 1726. One building that survived the fire is now the Golden Lion hotel, the hotel in which Anderson stays. On arrival at the hotel, Anderson says that he needs a large room where he can both sleep and work. The room must have plenty of light and must not be too dark in the afternoon. Anderson is invited to choose his own room. He selects room number 12, a room with three large windows that look out onto the street

When he goes down to dinner, Anderson sees a blackboard which lists all the rooms and the names of their occupants. He sees that there is no room number 13 on the list, which is not unusual in Denmark. Before going to sleep, Anderson wants to do some reading. He realizes that he left the book that he wants to read in the pocket of his coat which is hanging on a peg outside the dining room. He goes down to get the book. He goes back to what he thinks is his room but finds that he cannot open the door. He then sees that the door is not that of his room but the one of room number 13. Anderson thinks it is strange that there is a room 13 but it is not listed on the blackboard. He reasons that the room might be used by hotel staff. After having blown out the candle and left his room partially lit by the streetlamp outside, Anderson notices that it looks smaller than it did in the daytime.


ارجو ان نكون قد وضحنا كافة المعلومات والبيانات بخصوص ملخص قصة number 13، ولكن في حالة كان لديكم تعليق او اقتراح بخصوص المعلومات المذكورة بالأعلى يمكنكم اضافة تعليق وسوف نسعى جاهدين للرد عليكم.