Essay about importance of public gardens؟

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Essay about importance of public gardens، هو ما نسعى الى التكلم عنه اليوم بشكل مختلف وعميق من اجل الوصول إلى أكثر استفادة لزوار موقعنا الكرام.


Essay about importance of public gardens:

A garden is a piece  of land that is used for planting flowers, fruits, and trees. There are flower gardens, fruit gardens or orchards, and kitchen gardens for growing vegetables.

Beautiful trees and flowers delight our eyes and charm our minds. Man tries to re-arrange these beauties for his own pleasure. So, he collects according to his taste, varieties of these and makes them into a lovely garden.

The choice of a site largely depends on the locality and on the gardener’s taste, and opportunity. Different kinds of gardens need different kinds of soil. But, it may be laid down as a general rule that the ground should be as open to the sun as possible.

A lot of attention is necessary for the proper upkeep of the garden. The heads of branches growing too fast should be lopped off. Dry leaves should be removed. To keep out thieves and animals there should be a high wall or a strong fence built around the garden. Paths or walks should be laid out and good arrangements are to be made for draining away the water.

Gardens are planned for the sake of pleasure or profit. Whatever the motive, there is always a sanitary and economic gain.

Importance of Garden
There is scarcely a strip of land that cannot be made more beautiful and useful if it be changed into a garden.
A garden inspires pure and refined thoughts. A walk through a garden is refreshing to the mind.
A garden is a source of income. It provides an occupation that is open to all. Even the poorest may practice gardening on a small scale, while the rich may find in it ample scope for utilizing their money. Fresh flowers, fruits and vegetables are always in demand.
Growing vegetables is one of the most fascinating of hobbies.
Digging and mowing, pruning and wedding, manuring and renewing the soil, provide useful forms of physical exercise.
Trees arranged with taste and flowers in their gorgeous beauty cheer us up in solitude.
A garden is a place where cares and worries are forgotten. When life ‘amid pleasures and palaces’ appears dull, a garden offers us peace and quiet. Every house should have a garden, at least of flowers and vegetables, attached to it.



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