نقد كتاب لا تحزن بالانجليزي؟

نقد كتاب لا تحزن بالانجليزي، هو ما نسعى الى التكلم عنه اليوم بشكل مختلف وعميق من اجل الوصول إلى أكثر استفادة لزوار موقعنا الكرام.


نقد كتاب لا تحزن بالانجليزي:

هذا هو نقد الكتاب بالانجليزي :
One of the most beautiful phrases in the book is: “You have a special taste, a special color, and we want you in this color and your taste, because you were created so, and we knew you so. If you do this, then do what you would have warned. This is what should have happened. Do not say, “If I had done such a thing, there would have been such and such. – Do not be sad: because you are sad to stop time, imprison the sun, turn back the clock, walk back, and return the river to its source. Do not grieve: because sadness, like the wind, spoils the air, scatter the water, change the sky, and break the happy roses in the singing garden. – Do not be sad: Your Lord forgives sin and meets repentance. – Let the amounts are in the bowels and do not sleep only in the absence of mind between the blink of an eye and attention to change God from the situation to the situation – Make your work sincere to the face of God and do not wait Thank you from anyone, and do not care and do not be silent if well done to one of the people and found him can not afford this white hand , Nor the good deeds that I have given him, and seek your reward from God. – Anything found from God’s loss? And anything lost who found God? They are never equal, whoever finds God and finds everything, and whoever lost God has lost everything. – Do not regret doing one’s beauty even if he is rude, but regretting to do wrong and say less. – The ordeal as a disease, it must be a time to go away, and hastened in its demise is about to multiply and swell, so the calamity and distress must have time until their effects disappear, and the duty of the deceased: patience and waiting for the vulva and the continuation of the du’aa ‘. – If faith is lost, there is no safety and no minimum for those who did not revive our religion and those who are pleased with life without religion has made the courtyard to our neighbor – Oh God, I have mercy on you to know that what happened to me was not to sin and I did not sin did not hurt me. “The most despicable people of the prophets, then optimally optimizing, the man is plagued by the amount of his religion, if his religion has a hardened intensity, although in his religion is a paper plagued by the amount of religion, then the scourge of the slave to leave him walking on the ground and what is a sin. – The value of the human is improving. – Not related to God. – Let you wish and life bitter and you will be satisfied and sleep wrath if it is true of friendship, all is easy and all that is above the dust dust. – In the correct hadeeth: The believer is like a bee that eats well and is good and if it falls on a oud, it does not break it. – myself that have things going, how to cry for something if gold? – “Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a passerby.” – The beloved said to me when I visited the door I said in the door I told me wrong definition of fancy when dispersed between us and went a year when he knocked the door knocked him Mohna told me who you said Look what then only you by the door here said to me well define the love and knew love Vajal Oh – Know God in prosperity knows you in distress. – If you have an opinion, then be resolute, the corruption of opinion to be hesitant – what was the mercy in Shi, but Zanh, the removal of the mercy of something but that. – pardon of revenge, work more enjoyable than emptiness, and greater conviction of money, health is better than wealth.


ارجو ان نكون قد وضحنا كافة المعلومات والبيانات بخصوص نقد كتاب لا تحزن بالانجليزي، ولكن في حالة كان لديكم تعليق او اقتراح بخصوص المعلومات المذكورة بالأعلى يمكنكم اضافة تعليق وسوف نسعى جاهدين للرد عليكم.